Thursday, October 31, 2013

Black Swan

Release: December 3, 2010; Director: Darren Aronofsky; Starring: Nataie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder, etc.

Nina, a dedicated ballet dancer, earns the leading role of the Swan Princess in the play "Swan Lake". Her dream part! She plays two parts, the white swan and the black swan. She embodies everything that the white swan is, purity, innocence, beauty. However, as she strives to embrace the black swan which embodies jealousy, seduction, greed, and violence in her dance reality slowly loses its grip and the black swan takes over.


Wow. This movie is phenomenal. Director Darren Aronofsky is known for making movies that are honestly mind blowing and overwhelming (Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, Pi) and this adds to the collection, perhaps the most magnificent of them. The color work in this film is outstanding. The film mostly consists of white, grey and black. Natalie Portman's character Nina begins the film wearing mostly white and as she starts to embrace the black swan she is a mix of white and black, grey. And once she fully embraces the black swan her wardrobe turns black. I loved that! Natalie Portman puts on an Oscar winning performance. I noticed that she didn't talk hardly at all in the movie but what is so significant about her performance is her dancing ability and her reactions as she realizes she is losing control and her strife to be "perfect". Her performance was perfect. Mila Kunis was great as well, totally fulfilled her role. Black Swan is a very heavy movie and is not for the weak-at-heart. At one point I had to second guess if this was a dramatic movie or a horror movie! Furthermore, the score is terrifyingly brilliant. Despite the darkness and depressiveness of the story it is beautiful.

Trailer for the movie